Tales from the Pit
by Lord Caine

And so here it is another half year has passed and the ninth issue of Chaos Theory:Tales Askew blossoms across the Internet like first blooms of spring.

Yuk! I don't know where that came form. Just a couple of weeks ago it was as cold as the northern climes of hell... well actually I'm in the northern climes of hell so that would explain that. However I'm told old man winter still has his claws in certain regions of the real worlds where he needs to let go. I swear that old bastard is always in denial.

The big news around here is that our founder and funder has published his first novel. You'll notice the shameless self promotion at the bottom of the table of contents. Hey! He pays the bills. He can promote on any page I guess.

Having said that I've read "The Sorcerer's Song and the Cat's Meow" myself and I'm loathe to admit, but the man does have talents. I couldn't put the damn thing down and despite the happy ending I really liked it. If my fellow spawn find out I've been reading a feel good novel it's sure to damage my reputation.

As to our ten stories of mystery and imagination in this issue be sure to give them all a look. There's a little bit for everyone, humor, horror, western, and a spiritual journey through someone's day job.

Well I should be getting back to my day job... sigh.... so many souls and so little time...

Lord Caine