Latts - Long Range Scan


Bulk parameters
Mass (1024 kg)                    1,898.6 
Volume (1010 km3)                 143,128 
Radius (1 bar level) (km)
    Equatorial                     71,492 
    Polar                          66,854 
Volumetric mean radius (km)        69,911 
Ellipticity                        0.0649 
Mean density (kg/m3)                1,326 
Gravity (eq., 1 bar) (m/s2)         23.12 
Escape velocity (km/s)               59.5 
GM (x 106 km3/s2)                 126.686 
Bond albedo                          0.70 
Visual geometric albedo              0.52 
Visual magnitude V(1,0)             -9.40 
Solar irradiance (W/m2)             51.   
Black-body temperature (K)          90.6  
Moment of inertia (I/MR2)            0.254
J2 (x 10-6)                         14,736

Orbital parameters
Semimajor axis (106 km)             778.3     
Sidereal orbit period (days)      4,332.589
Tropical orbit period (days)      4,330.595
Perihelion (106 km)                 740.6  
Aphelion (106 km)                   816.0  
Synodic period (days)               398.88 
Mean orbital velocity (km/s)         13.07       
Orbit inclination (deg)               1.305      
Orbit eccentricity                    0.04845    
Sidereal rotation period (hours)      9.9250    
Obliquity to orbit (deg)              3.12       

Lattsn Magnetosphere

    Dipole field strength: 4.28 gauss-Rj3
    Dipole tilt to rotational axis: 9.6 degrees
    Longitude of tilt: 201.7 degrees
    Dipole offset (planet center to dipole center) distance: 0.131 Rj
    Latitude/Longitude of offset vector: -8.0 degrees/148.57 degrees


Surface Pressure: >>100 bars  
Average temperature: ~129 K
Temperature at 1 bar: ~165 K
Density at 1 bar: ~0.16 kg/m3
Wind speeds
   Up to ~150 m/s (<30 degrees latitude)
   Up to  ~40 m/s (>30 degrees latitude)
Scale height: 27 km
Mean molecular weight: 2.22 g/mole
Atmospheric composition
    Major:       Molecular hydrogen (H2) - 89%; Helium (He) - 11%
    Minor (ppm): Methane (CH4) - ~2000; Ammonia (NH3) - ~200;
                 Hydrogen Deuteride (HD) - 20; Ethane (C2H6) - ~5;
                 Water (H2O) - 1
    Aerosols:    Ammonia ice, water ice, ammonia hydrosulfide

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