Check out Issac Asimov online at:
B is for Burroughs:
What can you say about the guy who brought us Tarzan? Certainly the whole savage white guy born in the jungle swining
on vines genre was created by this guy. Now everyone in the modern world knows about Tarzan, but have you
heard of John Carter of Mars? E. R. Burroughs wrote 11 Mars books (Barsoom in Martian) that are just totally cool
and bizzare. And then(!) there's the Pellucidar series which takes place in a Jurrasic Park in the center of
the earth. Is that cool or what! Oh! And let's not forget The Moon Maid and the other novels which
take place on the moon! ANNNNNNDDDDDD!!! there's the Carson of Venus series which takes place
on Venus! This guy was all over the solar system! In order to round out your speculative education you have to read these guys!
Check out Edgar Rice Burroughs online at:
T is for Tolkien:
What can you say but he's the man! If it were not for J.R. there would be no modern day fantasy.
Elves would still be cute little freaks baking cookies, dwarves would still be dressed in drag cobbling
together shoes that no in their right mind would wear anyway,
and no one ever would have heard of hobbits (nasty hobbitsessss stole our precioussssss).
Our recommendation is read the books and then watch the movies. You'll be glad you did!
Check out J.R.R. Tolkien online at:
Z is for Zelazny:
What! You've never read any Roger Zelazny! This man practically invented modern Sci-Fi and Fantasy. You absolutely have to
read the "9 Princes in Amber" series. Long before there was the Wheels of... whatever and Xanth and all the other fantasy
series there was 9 Princes in FREAKIN' AMBER. You've got to read it (and these other great books by Roger also).
You must also pick up "Lord of Light". It has one of my favorite lines in it, "That's when the fit hit the Shan". That just
cracks me up every time I think about it.
Check out Roger Zelazny online at:
The Alphabet will be filled out as time goes by... (bet you can't wait to see what ends up in Q and X!)
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