Up Genesis Space » Places » arizona » grandcanyon Slideshow

White Cliffs
Grand Canyon 1
Grand Canyon 2
Grey Fields
Grand Canyon Yellow Filter
Grand Canyon Filter 2
Grand Canyon 3
Grand Canyon 4
Grand Canyon 5
Grand Canyon  6
Grand Canyon  7
Grand Canyon  Post
Grand Canyon  8
Grand Canyon White Cliff
Grand Canyon  9
Grand Canyon 10
Grand Canyon  11jpg
Grand Canyon  Tower
Grand Canyon  River
gc12Grand Canyon  Dusk
The Sentinel
Grand Canyon  12
Grand Canyon  13
Up Top
Grand Canyon  14
Dead Tree
Grand Canyon  15
Grand Canyon  16
Grand Canyon  17
Grand Canyon  18
Grand Canyon  Vista

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A cat and her sorcerer, a beautiful dream weaver, an evil voodoo priest, a bunch of man-sized rats, an army of really big bugs, a crazed randy rabbit, some dwarves, dragons and angry three-toed sloths, New York City, the woods of Maine, the sands of Arabia and the mythic lands of Avalon all come together for the wildest most epic adventure you?ve ever read!!!!

The Sorcerer's Song and The Cat's Meow is an author's triumph and a reader's delight... What a wonderful, free-falling storytelling ride to get to the end of a fantasy that's about as close to purrfect as you can get.

M. Wayne Cunningham - ForeWord CLARION Reviews

A well-plotted story with vivid and riveting description of characters and settings, as well as an intense page turning battle, the book is a delight to read.

Tracy Roberts - Write Field Services